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Re: Hello!

"agent_alkaline" <alkaline@a...> comuni:

> I'm a linguistics and computer science 
> double major, so i have a little background in linguistics. 

I'm 33.  I tried to get a double major in computer science and 
linguistics from Arizona State University, circa 1988, but was in a 
car accident, took a medical leave, started a company and a family 
and have been busy ever since.

> As far as what to do on the list, i'm interested in both discussing 
> lexical semantics and learning katanda (but i can't really start 

I'm interested in discussing LexSem as well, and I'm thinking about 
writing a translator from my Dublex language to Katanda.  Dublex will 
be a simpler language with a less formal derivational morphology, and 
so will translate to a subset of Katanda's rich feature set.

> .. I read lexical semantics a few 
> years ago, and that was before i had taken any linguistic classes, 
> i didn't *fully* understand it at that time (although i mostly 

I just read half of it over the long weekend.  It's the third time 
I've read it -- I read most of Rick M.'s articles and essays soon 
after they were published, having been active in the Internet 
conlanging community since 1995. My first "Model Languages" web site 
can still be found here:


Even though I canceled my Compuserve account years ago!

I find LexSem to be over my head at times, and have re-read it to get 
a better sense, so I am looking forward to discussing it, especially 
the verb paradigms.

Best regards,
