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Re: [engelang] reformulating the core grammar

John E. Clifford scripsit:

> Frankly, I prefer just making the bad sentence a non-sentence and
> be done with it.  But I suppose that complicates the rules (not that
> getting it right can really be called a complication).

On the contrary, I'd like to make the meaning of free variables context
dependent.  That way they can be bound by s- if you want to emulate
Loglan/Lojban, or by r- if you want to do Prolog (a big nuisance in
writing Prolog in Lojban is that you have to insert strategic ro here
and there), or to some constant, in which case they serve as ko'a-type

John Cowan            http://www.ccil.org/~cowan     cowan@hidden.email
Uneasy lies the head that wears the Editor's hat! --Eddie Foirbeis Climo