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Re: [engelang] Myopic singularization

Martin Bays scripsit:

> And if one of the cats was white and the other black, what colour would
> the MS be there? Same question for the mass?

Sometimes* it's white, sometimes* it's black.  No paradox there.
It's only a little surprising because most things have fairly fixed colors.
You're not surprised if sometimes* you see me tired and other times* you
see me rested, after all.

For the mass (mereological sum), part of it is white, part is black.
No paradox there either.

It's when an attempt is made to conflate the two that there's a problem.

> I meant: the MS of the elements of the set-union of the set of all cats
> and the set of all dogs.

Yes, I would say the same in that case.

That you can cover for the plentiful            John Cowan
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and disinformation in your posts                cowan@hidden.email
through sheer volume -- that is another misconception.  --Mike to Peter