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Re: [engelang] Xorban experimental tense markers

Well, fits with neither logical nor natural language tense systems very well and mixes metrical and topological tenses.  The forms look like operators that take terms -- with the terms attached, so it gets confusing (but that is a nonce situation).  Logic has just Past and Future, generally (well, with Always Was and Always Will Be); natural languages tend to have a dual system (which always gets collapsed somewhere and parts of which get shuffled off to other systems) four axes: Present, Future, Past and Retrofuture, and three vectors, -, 0, and +.  Then there are aspect systems, related to your near past and near future in various ways.  It's all in my book.

From: Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com>
To: engelang@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 6:45 PM
Subject: [engelang] Xorban experimental tense markers

I don't think that we know what tense markers are ultimately going to look like, which ones we'll have, or how they'll fit in with worlds and situations, but for experimental purposes I would like to designate "hik-" for tense markers and create seven to start with.  All of these are relative to "now" meaning "at the time that this sentence (was/started) being uttered/written".

hika: currently, now, "it is now the case that F"

hiki: in the past, before now, "it was the case that F"

hiku: in the future, after now, "it will be the case that F"

hiki'e: in the near past, "F just happened"

hiki'o: in the far past, "F happened a while back"

hiku'e: in the near future, "F is about to happen"

hiku'o: in the far future, "F will happen eventually"

Thoughts?  Sound good for now?

co ma'a mke

Xorban blog: Xorban.wordpress.com
My LL blog: Loglang.wordpress.com