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Re: [engelang] Xorban: Semantics of "l-" (and "s-" and "r-")

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:17 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> Jorge Llambías, On 07/09/2012 03:21:
> > I think you need: li Ri Pi<=> je jo si Ri Pi ri Ri Pi jo si Pi Ri ri Pi
> > Ri
> >
> > i.e. there's only one thing that Ri, and it's the only thing that Pi.
> How come it's the only thing that Pi?

I was considering what would be needed for "li Ri Pi" and "li Pi Ri"
to be equivalent. But I don't think they are quite equivalent,
although they can usually describe the same situation, but by means of
different universes of discourse.

> >> I don't think "la bcda fgha" implies "sa bcda fgha" much less "ra bcda
> >> fgha", though either of the latter does imply "la bcda fgha".
> >
> > Not in the same context. You can only move from "sa bcda fgha" or "ra
> > bcda fgha" to "la bcda fgha" by changing the universe of discourse to
> > one where bcda (and to some extent fgha as well) is no longer
> > dividuated, which is typically not the case in universes where it
> > makes sense to use s- or r-. So it's not a logical implication that
> > can take us from s-/r- to l- unless we are already in l-'s territory,
> > in which case you wouldn't be using s-/r- in the first place.
> But Mike was saying you can't go from lV to rV/sV, and I think that lV
> does entail both sV and rV. "la ma xrxe rgntna, ra ma xrxe rgntna, sa ma
> xrxe rgntna" (is Argentinian) are each true of the same construal of the
> same world.

I agree. But the mere presence of r-/s- practically assures the
destruction of that world and the creation of a new one. Language
abhors singleton domains of quantification. "ra ma xrxe rgntna" or "sa
ma xrxe rgntna" take me to a domain where some stages of me may not be
Argentinian, a domain that "la ma xrxe rgntna" doesn't really conjure

ma'a xrxe