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Re: [engelang] Plea for a recap

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 4:52 PM, John E. Clifford <kali9putra@hidden.email> wrote:

Classic catch-22: I don't get LoCCan3 messages (and so forgot about it) because my address changed.  But now I have no control over it, apparently, because my address does not match that on file as the owner, so confirmation requests bounce.  If it helps at all, there were a total of two significant messages in the entire list, both asking wtf was the rest of the stuff.  No one has dropped by in ages except, apparently, to notice there is nothing there except golden opportunities to grow three inches somewhere.

Okay.  Well, the owning account has Yahoo ID kaliputra.  If you are unable to log in under that, we can ask Yahoo to appoint a moderator.  It's not super important, but it wouldn't hurt anything to clean that group and point any members and visitors who don't know about Engelang in the right direction.