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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 10:35 PM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> Something to think about next, then: the equivalents of Lojban {ce'u} and
> {makau}.

I'll tackle the illocutionaries which seem easier first:

> BTW, you mentioned illocutionary operators. You could borrow the following
> idea from Livagian. Take the predicate 'command', for example: "X commands Y
> to make Z the case", a 3-place predicate, e.g. _cmndakeki_. Saturate certain
> arguments with "me" and "you", and define an illocutionary operator "I
> hereby command you to make Z the case", _cmnda_. Derive illocutionary
> operators from any predicate by removing the arguments saturated by "you"
> and "me" and using the same stem with a reduced arity.

Yes, I was thinking along those lines, but if I'm not mistaken
illocutionary operators are not like ordinary unary operators that can
be combined with other operators. Illocutionary operators act on a
sentence and the result can't be acted on again. I think we can
probably base everything on the "hereby" operator. Let's say that's
"ca". We first need to expand the grammar to:

utterance:= illocutionary-operator? sentence

sentence := predicate | operator sentence

operator := unary-operator | binary-operator

binary-operator:= SV('V)* sentence

unary-operator := NV('V)*

illocutionary-operator := cV('V)*

predicate := CCC*V('V)*(KV('V)*)*

V := a | e | i | o | u

C:= b | c | d | f | g | j | k | l | m | n | p | r | s | t | v | x | z

S:= l | m | r | s | d | j |  ...

N:= n | ...

K:= k | f | g | ...

"ca" will turn any sentence into a "hereby" sentence, and then we can
have different operators (ce, ci, ... ca'a, etc) defined for frequent
cases. Let's say we start with "I hereby command you to go", that
would be:

ca la klme'efa mnda'ake'eka
Hereby: the event in which you go: I command you to bring it about.

So we could define "ce" as:

ce <predicate> = ca la <predicate>fa mnda'ake'eka

And then "Go!" is just "ce klme'e".

I have to think about how to generalize that definition from a single
predicate to any sentence, but I have to run now. Ideas welcome.

mu'o mi'e xorxes