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Engelangs - A Design Goal Catalog


Partially to sort out the hierarchy of goals for my own loglang,
and partially just to kick-start a conversation, I have composed 
a list of nine possible design criteria that might be considered 
when designing an engelang.  While reading, you might wish to 
consider the order you would rank them in importance in your own 
creations.  (I have listed them in my own *approximate* order).
Another thing to consider is their degree of relative importance,
e.g. do logical languages need to favor logicality everywhere?
Do IAL's need to insist on naturalness above all else?
Or is balance in itself a worthy goal?

Comments, questions, additions, etc. are openly invited.  I'd 
like to collect all your ideas and revise this as an introductory
overview to engelang design goals, so if you have any thoughts, 
do offer, please.


An expression is logical if it evaluates to either true or false 
but not both (or in fuzzy logic, something in-between but not just 
anything.  This requires more elaboration than a brief overview 
permits.)  All natural languages are logical for the most part, 
but not rigorously.  A language designed for logicality will pay 
careful attention to the logical implications of its constructions 
and will attempt to make the rules for logical evaluation 
straightforward and consistent.

Logicality clearly subsumes syntactic non-ambiguity and, to 
a lesser extent, semantic precision, but these two items are 
worth discussing as separate design goals.

Logicality may conflict with naturalness, simplicity,
flexibility and concision.


In the most basic sense, this means ensuring that the syntax 
always makes it clear which heads are being modified by which 
dependents. Thus, constructions like "I saw the man in the room", 
which is ambiguous as to whether the phrase "in the room" refers 
to where the man is or where the seeing took place, would not be 
allowed in a syntactically unambiguous language, or would be 
given a clear default interpretation.

Syntactic non-ambiguity may occasionally conflict with simplicity,
flexibility and concision.


Semantic precision can be applied at several levels.  At the 
lexical level, semantic precision means ensuring that all words 
have a single, clear, well-defined core meaning.  At the syntactic 
level, it means setting the minimal allowable level of semantic 
precision in syntactic constructions.  For example, in the 
expression "the boy's gift", it is unclear whether the boy is 
the giver, the recipient, or whether there is some other vaguer 
relationship (he may be a courier).  A more precise language might 
employ argument tags which indicate the role of the boy with 
regards to the gift.  Finally, precision bears on derivation and 
metaphoric constructions.

Unlike syntactic non-ambiguity, semantic precision is generally
a matter of degree rather than a matter of "yes or no".  Semantic 
precision subsumes syntactic non-ambiguity, but the reverse is 
not true.  Depending on degree, it may occasionally conflict with 
simplicity, flexibility and concision.


Optimizing a language for universality means designing it with 
characteristics that are in accordance with the majority, or at 
least the plurality of the world's attested languages.  It also 
means carefully avoiding characteristics which are likely to 
present non-trivial difficulties to significant minorities of 
the world's speakers.  As the famously strenuous debates among 
auxlangers attest, this is far from a straightforward goal.

In a narrower sense, naturalness means designing within the 
limitations of actual or perceived language universals, and 
avoiding, whenever possible, characteristics which are very 
uncommon, and avoiding completely those which are vanishingly 
rare or unknown.

Universality may conflict most notably with logicality.


Simplicity and regularity are related enough to consider a single
goal.  Regularity means avoiding unnecessary exceptions to rules
and simplicity means reducing the overall number of rules.  The
effect of these goals is to make the language easier to learn.  
Combined with universality, simplicity and regularity have the 
greatest impact on overall accessibility (the ability of the 
greatest number of people to learn the language).

Excessive simplicity may conflict with flexibility and semantic 


Flexibility means the language's semantic, syntactic, and
lexical adaptability.  Semantic flexibility is the ability 
to connect words in unusual ways;  syntactic flexibility means 
the ability to use or derive words for different functions (parts 
of speech);  lexical flexibility means the ability of the language 
to adopt and create new words.  All of these forms of flexibility 
equip the language with the means to express new or unusual concepts.

Languages that (over)emphasize semantic precision and syntactic
non-ambiguity run the risk of being too rigid.  A language should
be flexible enough to express both the cloudy and the novel; it 
should also allow some mechanism for admitting similes--at the 
very least marking them as non-literal constructions.  If there 
is no relief valve built-in somewhere, it is inevitable that any 
future speech community will build them in for you.

Flexibility may conflict with directly syntactic non-ambiguity,
semantic precision and simplicity.


Concision means conveying the necessary information using as few
syllables as possible.  The most obvious method of achieving 
concision is bringing one's lexicon into conformance with Zipf's
law--making the most frequent morphemes the shortest.  A more
sophisticated approach would involve examining the most frequent 
combinations of morphemes and giving these shorter forms, e.g.
although "woman" means "human" + "female" + "adult" (and the 
tempting thing to do for some of us logical types is to create 
a three-morpheme compound), it almost certainly serves concision
to coin a separate word for "woman" rather than use a compound.

Concision does not impact only lexical design, it also must be 
taken into account when considering discourse and anaphora.
In discourse, new statements inevitably build on context.
Repeating the same information over and over after it has been 
established is not only unnatural, it overtopicalizes the 
repeated information, and it's annoying.  As for anaphora, they 
must be designed to refer unambiguously to their antecedents
(assuming that syntactic non-ambiguity is a design criterion).
In particular, discourse is a matter of concern for loglang 
designers because there may be a temptation to want every statement 
to evaluate in the same way independently as it does in context.
In other words, a truly logical language might somehow mark 
whenever contextual information is omitted.  As difficult as this
may seem, such marking could possibly be accomplished variously 
through the determiner, anaphoric and voice-operation systems.

Suffice to say that if concision is overly neglected during 
language design, it will almost certainly be installed by the 
speech community, should one appear.

As implied, concision conflicts with semantic precision,
syntactic non-ambiguity, and logicality.


Redundancy means building in enough contrastiveness to keep
words and phrases distinct from one another.  This is primarily 
a phonomorphological concern--the goal is to make the words sound 
differently.  This is an important practical concern.  The goal
is to increase the likelihood of correct communication in noisy 
environments.  An over-rationalized language may run the risk
of reducing redundancy below the acceptable minimum.

Redundancy may conflict with concision to a certain extent.


This may seem unexpected to include on a list of goals for an 
engelang, which are supposed to be a relatively objective.  
Nevertheless, I feel that if everything else is equal, why not 
consider aesthetics?  It may turn out well to be a selling point 
if you can remove any avoidable ugliness (as subjective as this 
may be).