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Re: [ceqli] new member

oke, great, and thanks!
i saw that there are 2 websites for the language.
The older one (on geocities i think) redirects you.
Does the old site still contain relevant material or
has it been superceded?

I'll make a start by working through the new site
(a quick flick through them showed, i think in lesson 3 or 4,
something that seemed a bit complex, but i'll work my way up to it
and post q's if necessary)


On 07/01/2008, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@hidden.email> wrote:

On Jan 6, 2008 12:31 PM, anisetteletamarinddesamarkand
<andrew.juhasz@hidden.email> wrote:

> I have not yet started "learning" ceqli. I am kind of waiting to see
> what will happen after this message...

Go ahead and start working through the lessons, I guess,
and post your questions here. Some aspects of the language
aren't documented on the website but have been discussed
here; you might want to read the mailing list archives after
you've read what's on the website.

It may be that some other group members may be able to
answer some of your questions even if Rex is too busy to
answer quickly.

Jim Henry