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Re: selula - cell

> The four that come to mind are biological (e.g., nerve cell, muscle cell), 
> electrical (wet/dry cell, power cell), small room (prison cell, monk's cell) and 
> organizational (as in terrorist cell).  Also, cell phones are called cells, 
> too, I think.
> It might be confusing to have the various meanings have similar shapes.  
> Since I prefer ad hoc word forms, I don't really have any suggestions for the word 
> shapes.  

First off, a cell as a type of room could be:

picam - roomlet
jeylcam - jailroom, jail cell
sunincam - monk's room

All biological cells could be selul (and in the interest of terseness, I'll make it selul instead 
of selula)

And the connection to battery cells is pretty remote, so it may as well be a whole different 
word, say tsel, from German.

As for cell phones, I have no idea why they're called that.