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Questions for everybody re this story I'm working on:


I've Ceqliized several japanese names here.  My gut reaction is that adding h works for ranma — hranmazo, but that it doesn't work for nabikii - hnabikizo.   Pronunciationwise and estheticswise.  It seems that initian hr is okay, and initial hl also, but for m and n, maybe z or s would work better.  OTOH, it would be good to be totally consistent, so as to minimize confusion, so how about s for everything — lmnrq and vowels?  That would make it sranmazo and snabikizo and sakanezo.

I'm following the all lower case system here, and it feels awkward.  Seems unnatural.  Would it be unCeqlilike to capitalize the first word of a sentence and/or first letter of names?

I coined joqdawxu - war-way-art, for martial arts. But would peldawxu be better?  fight-way-art?

Any comments will be appreciated, about these questions or anything else.

Rex May
NOTE NEW PHONE: 1-970-218-0889
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