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RE: [ceqli] Re: CV's

> Behalf Of Rex May

> > > bo meaning 'boss' >  could become 'stro', truncating the 
> Eo 'estro',
> > but that's 
> > >  rather too consonant-rich.  How about 'bwan' from 
> 'bwana'?  It can
> > take -i or -o > for sex.
> > 
> > I like "xef", from Fra "chef", or Eng "chief" also cognate with Spa
> > "jefe".  Can also mean something like "main".
> Me, too.  But it has to be nCnV to be a Ceqli morpheme.

Maybe "pri" as in PRImary.  

> > > di (animal) >  this is a tough one.  "bru" from "brute"?  
> "fera" from
> > Latin?
> > 
> > How about "zo" as in "zoology".  The "zoo-" prefix is familiar.
> Yes, but it can't be a CV, because I'm in the process of 
> making all CV's
> into grammar words.

There's always "dir" or "tir". 

> > > du means "two"  But numbers must not be GW's.  
> Possibilities: duy from
> > Bengali, 
> > > dva from Russian, byan from Garifuna, dul from Korean, doi from
> > Romanian,  daw, 
> > > from Welsh
> > 
> > Depends on the shape you are trying for but maybe "dwa".  
> "dva" is too
> > hard to pronounce.  From what you have here, I'd choose 
> that or maybe
> > "dul".
> Agree onf the 'dva.'  I think Ceqli can handle that 
> combination, but it
> shouldn't be used in a high-frequency word like 'two.'  Now, 
> I already have
> "dwa" for "must," from the French, and would hate to lose 
> that.  So that
> leaves 'dul,' which is good in itself, but I already have two 
> Korean numbers
> cil and pal, 7 & 8, ending in -l.  But I think it's the best choice.

Numbers are often read together.  It would be best to make them as
distinct from each other as possible so I don't think it's a good idea
to have too many ending with "-l".  You could always reassign "must" and
use "dwa" for "two".  

> I'm rebuilding the whole thing from Here:
> http://ceqli.pbwiki.com/FrontPage

I think using a Wiki is a much better idea anyway.  The only thing I
don't like are most of these wikis use a font that's too small.  I'm
sure there is some way around that though.

> And I'm leaving the stuff up at:
> http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
> as it's the most current prior to this upheaval.  So those 
> two pages are the place to go.

You may want to put a big notice with a link on this one letting
everyone know the site is moving.  It looks like it hasn't been updated
in months and even uses the older "tceqli" orthography.