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Okay, I'm going to do it. CV's will now be grammar words. The tough part is replacing all the current CV's that -aren't- grammar words: I'm figuring on these replacements: ba (thing) > diq be okay. It's already a GW. bi I think okay, as it's a copula, equivalent to "=" bo meaning 'boss' > could become 'stro', truncating the Eo 'estro', but that's rather too consonant-rich. How about 'bwan' from 'bwana'? It can take -i or -o for sex. bu already GW ca, ci, cu Already GW's as are co (what was just said) and ce (what will be said) da GW already de no meaning assigned di (animal) > this is a tough one. "bru" from "brute"? "fera" from Latin? do GW already du means "two" But numbers must not be GW's. Possibilities: duy from Bengali, dva from Russian, byan from Garifuna, dul from Korean, doi from Romanian, daw, from Welsh Three sets are enough. Appreciate everybody's input on the above choices. Rex May rmay@hidden.email 1-970-221-5528 Daily cartoon at: See some of my other cartoons at: Graphic novel I helped write at: |