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(There's that *#$&$& HTML again!) From: ceqli@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ceqli@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Rex May > Yes, well, if tS is a phoneme, dZ > just about has to be by any > standards. And the other > examples are, I admit at least > arguable. > Well, whether they are or not, two > questions arise. > 1. Given the alphabet as is, why > can't I also spell Ceqli as Txeqli? No reason why not. > 2. To be halfway symmetrical, I > really can't allow dj for /dZ/, or > question #1 will really be > unanswerable. See #3. > 3. Am I then left with j having to > be /dZ/ to avoid that question, > leaving the language without > a /Z/ phoneme at all? If so, is > that a problem for anyone? I think this would be a good change. /dZ/ is more popular anyway. That leaves: C = /tS/ (no change) J = /dZ/ (would have to merge existing /Z/ with any current <dj> /dZ/. X = /S/ (no change)