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> Oh, I like it, too. It's neat and instinctive. > But here's the rub ? If it's a single phoneme, > then, logically, so should dj and ts and pf > and kx be phonemes, as they are the same > brand, all affricates. And if they are phonemes, > they should each be symbolized by a single > character ? And I _don't_ want hats on these > things. I'd never be able to show my face at > Auxlang again. <pf> and <kx> are not affricates. The articulation points for [p] and [f] are different, and same for [k] and [S]. <ts> and <dj> may be. The point being whether Ceqli considers this to be a single unit or not. In English, /tS/ is a single unit, but /ts/ wouldn't be because it's not a single phonemic unit.