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Re: [ceqli] Re: Names, again

On Jan 8, 2007, at 2:09 PM, Jim Henry wrote:

On 1/7/07, li_sasxsek@nutter.net <li_sasxsek@nutter.net> wrote:

> Since it's no longer a proper noun, then you could drop the "ti". Or
> come up with an easier way to say "swiss cheese" that eliminates the
> ethnic reference like maybe "hole cheese".

Or "air bubble cheese"?


Such solutions might work, but the basic principle of being able to use a name in a compound remains.

And the point is that in, say helvezofroma, the
helve _is_ still a proper name.  If it's not indicated as such, then the non-name "helve" will manifest, as in japan meaning go-bread, but japanzo meaning Japanese.

I don't want Ceqli to be in a situation where it can't express Chinese checkers, Japanese beetle, Scotch whiskey, etc.

Rex May