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I'm thinking about a tad bit of loglanization for Tceqli, 
specifically Loglan's use of the devices po, pu, and zo, described 

Now, it seems to me that Tceqli 'ke' already operates very much like 
Loglan 'po'.  So starting with the Loglan examples:

(1) Da po mrenu  X is a manhood. 

ciba ke djino.  This is a state of being a man.
(I'm using ciba,'this thing' instead of 'da')

(2) Da po de mrenu  X is Y's manhood (i.e., the state of Y's being a 

Ciba ke djanzo djino.  This is a state of John's being a man.

Moving on to the 'pu' idea, which up to now has called for suffixes 
in Tceqli.  I tentatively coin 'jo' as equivalent to Loglan 'pu':

(3) Da pu gudbi  X is a goodness (i.e., a property of something's 
being good). 

ciba jo haw.   This is a goodness.

(4) Da pu de gudbi di  X is a/the property of Y's being better than 

ciba jo djanzo haw cem bilzo.  This is a/the property of John being 
better than Bill.  [I insert cem here because the haw doesn't have 
the 'comparative' sense of the Loglan gudbi -- should it?]

And so to 'amount':  Here I coin 'ji'

(5) Da zo blanu  X is an amount of blue. 

ciba ji blu.  This is an amount of blue.

(6) Da zo de blanu  X is the amount of blue in Y (i.e., the amount of 
Y's being blue). 

ciba ji blu hu caba.  This is the amount of blue in that.

Then with event-ahstraction we have a contrast between:

djanzo dorm.  John sleeps.

ciba ke dorm.  This is an event of sleeping.

ciba ke djanzo dorm.  This is an event of John sleeping.


I -think- this makes for a more clarified logic structure.  It won't, 
given the notion of minimalist Tceqli, lengthen anything much, but it 
provides for expansion into unambiguity, thus.

go vol dorm > go vol ke go dorm.

So, at least, I think I've clarified that 'ke' can do all the 
Loglan 'po' things.  And I like the idea of the 'jo' abstraction, and 
using the same mechanism to arrive at it may or may not be a good 
idea.  I need input on that.  Is it better to say 
to jo haw
or to have a -ness type suffix for the abstraction?  We definitely 
need one or the other, because 'haw' in a noun sense means 'good 
thing' or 'good-be-er', so it really can't bear the burden of also 
meaning 'goodness.'

And the 'amount' thing, 'ji' -- I don't know if it makes sense or not.