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Re: [ceqli] Re: Update

On 2/28/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:

> I changed kanin to gayr because kanin seems to be more appropriate
> for 'rabbit,' and it at least looks like rabbit to some germanic
> speakers, I think.
> And the demonstratives have always been in flux.  Originally, I had
> tci/tca/tcu for here, there, yonder, and then I tried to standarise

I reckon it would be a good idea to stabilize
the lexicon & grammar while writing/translating
several more texts.  In the process, you might
find some more things that could stand to
be improved, but maybe it would be best
to make notes about them -- & post about
them here -- and put off implementing any
changes for a while, until you get more
practice with writing (& we with reading)
and get more feedback (which may be
more meaningful vis-a-vis realistic texts
than sample sentences in the grammar

Did we ever finish the Goldilocks and the
Three Bears story?

Jim Henry