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--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May <rmay@...> wrote: > > I think I have the first chapter updated correctly. Proofreading > solicited. > > http://www.geocities.com/ceqli//gramintro.html > > Rex May > rmay@... > See some of my cartoons at: > http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ > NOW UPDATED REGULARLY! > Well, I'm home sick today, so I have a chance to take a quick look. Thanks, having it all consistent helps a lot! The only thing I noticed was 'da pa bol go "ven ttci." Would be spoken' This no doubt should be "ven tci." Also: 'And, as usual, if context and tone of voice and pawses make everything clear' should be pauses instead of pawses, the result of a mass change from u to w no doubt. I noticed some changes in vocabulary, "dog" is now an Irish dog!, and there is a new construct for demonstrative pronuouns. Changing basic vocabulary like dog is not as big as it may seem. 40 years ago I spoke a language and several of its dialects in the Malayo-Polynesian branch of languages. Basic words like "dog" and "girl" differed dramatically from dialect to dialect, but it was surprisingly easy to adapt to. Still, I was wondering if a lot of changes to basic words are being reviewed, or if it is mainly an effort to add to the lexicon at this point. Bob