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--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May <rmay@...> wrote: > > > On Feb 26, 2006, at 5:25 PM, rbweiland wrote: > > > Hi, all. > > > > I am new to Ceqli and to this group. I hope you will be patient with > > a few of my beginning questions until I gain some proficiency with > > the language. Ceqli looks really enjoyable to use, and I am looking > > forward to it. > > > > On the grammar pages, it says C = SH (as in LOGLAN or LOJBAN) and X > > is used as a foreign word indicator. Then later in the text it > > appears to be used as SH, or is it now used as the palatal SH as > > opposed to normal English SH? > > > > Secondly, this seems to be a work in progress. Is it possible to > > assign some sort of percent on how "finished" it really is? Is it a > > good assumption that the grammar has been nailed down and that the > > changes are mostly in the lexicon? And are these changes to the > > lexicon or merely additions. > > > > I love languages, and it is so nice to see so many words, almost > > like old friends, appearing in the sentences. > > > > Welcome. Your input will be appreciated. Tceqli is indeed a work in > plrogress. Only recently C was reassigned as /S/ (it had been /tS/ > and X lost its /S/ sound and became what it is now. Much of the site > still has the old forms. I simply don't have the time to update > these days, as I'm working 50 hrs a week at my day job, pending > retirement in a few months, and trying to keep up on my parttime job > as well. Doesn't leave much time for Tceqli work. > > Basically, it looks like nothing has been updated since the spelling > changes. I've been concentrating on my database of vocabulary > instead of the site itself. But, remembering that c>tc and j> dj, > and that i and u can no longer be semivowels and are replaced as such > by y and w, the grammar as stated is fairly baselined at this point. > > > Rex May > rmay@... > See some of my cartoons at: > http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ > NOW UPDATED REGULARLY! > Thank you very much for clarifications; they will help. I understand about work pressures. I am hoping to retire in 2 years myself, but in the meantime, put in a lot of hours -- by the way, I am a computer programmer by trade, and have done websites -- perhaps I can give you a hand with it from time to time. Sorry to say, I'm not the "arty" kind that designs layouts well -- I've have mainly done databases behind the pages. Does anybody have a clip of how Tceqli sounds? Later, and thanks again, Bob