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Re: [ceqli] New

On Feb 26, 2006, at 5:25 PM, rbweiland wrote:

Hi, all.

I am new to Ceqli and to this group. I hope you will be patient with
a few of my beginning questions until I gain some proficiency with
the language. Ceqli looks really enjoyable to use, and I am looking
forward to it.

On the grammar pages, it says C = SH (as in LOGLAN or LOJBAN) and X
is used as a foreign word indicator. Then later in the text it
appears to be used as SH, or is it now used as the palatal SH as
opposed to normal English SH?

Secondly, this seems to be a work in progress. Is it possible to
assign some sort of percent on how "finished" it really is? Is it a
good assumption that the grammar has been nailed down and that the
changes are mostly in the lexicon? And are these changes to the
lexicon or merely additions.

I love languages, and it is so nice to see so many words, almost
like old friends, appearing in the sentences.

Welcome. Your input will be appreciated. Tceqli is indeed a work in plrogress. Only recently C was reassigned as /S/ (it had been /tS/ and X lost its /S/ sound and became what it is now. Much of the site still has the old forms. I simply don't have the time to update these days, as I'm working 50 hrs a week at my day job, pending retirement in a few months, and trying to keep up on my parttime job as well. Doesn't leave much time for Tceqli work.

Basically, it looks like nothing has been updated since the spelling changes. I've been concentrating on my database of vocabulary instead of the site itself. But, remembering that c>tc and j> dj, and that i and u can no longer be semivowels and are replaced as such by y and w, the grammar as stated is fairly baselined at this point.

Rex May
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