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Sali and sila

Jimzo, I like your set of prepositions! Tceqli being the way it is, it can't imitate them in conciseness, unfortunately.

And I like your basic concept. Tceqli already has the simple way of imitation natural languages' 'compound' prepostions, as in
go pa fal de sur to stol
And what remains is to systematize that to apply to all prepostions.

One, thing, in keeping with Tceqli head-last, the above sentence would have the possible transformation to
go pa fal surde to stol
the 'from' being the basic concept.

So we have words like dande, danko, surko.

I currently have 'prin' for through, but to fit this system, it would have to have its static meaning, as in 'he has a bone through his nose'.

da ten gola hu prin dasa hana.


da pon gola ko prin dasa hana.

This make sense?

Rex May
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