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> Do you have a consistent rule about names > of animals and plants? E.g., are you trying > to coin Tceqli names at the family, genus > or species level? > > It might make sense to have a rule that > Tceqli words for animals and plants come from > their Latin (taxonomic) names if such names > can be made to fit Tceqli phonotactics > without becoming unrecognizable. In that > case "dalia" or "dalya" would have to be > "plants of genus Dahlia" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahlia) > and we need another word for "porridge" > (which could probably cover oatmeal, grits, > gruel and so forth as well). > That is an absolutely wonderful idea! In the back of my mind, BTW, is that Tceqli needs a TVV of some sort to designate taxonomic names, so they can be used as is in Tceqli. And yes, by all means we should derive from the taxonomic whenever there isn't a good reason not to do so. This leads me to think that felin > feli, and kanin > kani (or maybe cani, an eye-borrowing). And, I think that porridge can be dalya, while the flower can be pronounced Wooster-fashion, as deilya:)