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On Jan 20, 2006, at 5:34 PM, Jim Henry wrote:
On 1/18/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:gataympa, tri balu dwel pisa dom hu dan gasa bawmgu. pa hay pamo balu, pami balu, kay pisa balubin. do han dia, to ze balu kom dasa komxo, kayDo you want to use "han" in this sense? Maybe another word would suit for the sense here "on a certain day..."
Yes, and I remember now that it was discussed that we need a 'the' word meaning 'a certain', but we weren't sure. I hate to use just 'do dey,' because it sounds too close to 'dodey.' Perhaps 'de te dey' would work, meaning sort of like 'on an indefinite day.'
futco gi pawdja to bawmgu. gi ke to ze balu pa gi pawdja, kincaynhar saThere's no lexicon entry for "paw" (or "pau") though several of its compounds are there.
I'll insert it.
Yes. I'm a little dubious about whether a conjunction is really that much different from a preposition in Tceqli anyway. I think of gi ke and gike being the same thing, pretty much, like 'gosa' and 'go sa.'I notice a lexicon entry for "gike", while you have "gi ke" above. Maybe you can add another gloss for "gi" and/or "gi ke" = "while" (in English "during" works like a preposition, "while" like a conjunction; a conlang, especially an auxlang, needn't necessarily distinguish those uses - e.g. Esperanto has "dum" for both).
junjini pa ven ko b sa pisa dom. kay j pa taqku to dor.I notice yun > jun and jin > jin. That's fine, but I guess it will make automatically updating the lexicon impossible; you'll need to edit every entry by hand if you're making changes like that.
My thinking is that yun naturally is jun, and I have jin instead of djin mainly because it will be a frequent suffix and as such is better beginning with a fricative. But now I'm thinking junjini, tho okay, is longer than it ought to be, and I need a three-way word for 'child'. 'bin' is infant, and I'm thinking of 'tcayl' for child, with tcayli and tcaylo for girl and boy.
It wouldn't hurt to add a lexicon entry for "taqku" at least in the English > tceqli section, though it's perspicuous enough from its elements.
I made up taqku on the spot, and it seems more like it should mean 'slap,' actually. poynku is fist-hit, or punch, and knuckle is finger-joint, or fiqdjor, so I think we want 'fiqdjorku' for knock.
kwajin vol gerbolfa tciba?to tri balu bu sta tci dom, hifa bujin peno
We don't need tci here, if you mean it as 'at.' Sta covers it. And I'm not sure how you mean 'hifa' here. Oh, now I'm sure. It's in the glossary. And I think it makes sense. And-cause. Sure.
dor. fuke pitaym, junjini peno dor kay
fuke seems okay, but I think just fu will do — ke sort of nominalizes phrases.
ja dan dom.
And ja > dja
sur stol sta tri diwali hu bedan pori*.
We just had a big discussion about 'porridge' here at home, and we decided that it's a generic word for that sort of thing made out of oats or wheat or whatever. So I hunted up 'daliya' from Hindi, which brings up a spelling question. Is there enough of a difference between 'dalia' and 'daliya', phonetically? I think not, so the word should either be 'dalia' or 'dalya'. So I opt for 'dalia', three syllables, and the flower can be 'dalya'.
kincaynharjini traykom pori dan diwali ga.
First, this seems like a name, and if we're going to give the girl a name, we can shorten it, probably to 'kinharzo'. in 'traykom', I at first thought it should be 'komtray, but it does involve some actual eating, test-eating, so I think you're right. BTW, I think try-attempt and try-test should be two different words, and I've picked 'cu', a priori, for the former. And if we're going to have ga follow diwali, it needs a 'hu'. Poetically, it does sound better afterward. Same for pi later.
bol "tro varm." k traykom pori dan diwali
I'm still not satisfied with 'varm' for hot, because it doesn't reverse very well to make 'cold.' I may have to go a priori for it, because I can't find anything in dictionaries.
And I have to stop now and go to bed. Rex May rmay@hidden.email See some of my cartoons at: http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ NOW UPDATED REGULARLY!