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tri balu

On 1/18/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:

> gataympa, tri balu dwel pisa dom hu dan gasa bawmgu.   pa hay pamo balu,
> pami balu, kay pisa balubin.  do han dia, to ze balu kom dasa komxo, kay

Do you want to use "han" in this sense?  Maybe another
word would suit for the sense here "on a certain day..."

> futco gi pawdja to bawmgu.  gi ke to ze balu pa gi pawdja, kincaynhar sa

There's no lexicon entry for "paw" (or "pau") though
several of its compounds are there.

I notice a lexicon entry for "gike", while you have "gi ke"
above.  Maybe you can add another gloss for "gi"
and/or "gi ke" = "while" (in English "during"
works like a preposition, "while" like a conjunction;
a conlang, especially an auxlang, needn't necessarily
distinguish those uses - e.g. Esperanto has "dum"
for both).

> junjini pa ven ko b sa pisa dom.  kay j pa taqku to dor.

I notice yun > jun and jin > jin.  That's fine, but I guess
it will make automatically updating the lexicon impossible;
you'll need to edit every entry by hand if you're
making changes like that.

It wouldn't hurt to add a lexicon entry for "taqku"
at least in the English > tceqli section, though
it's perspicuous enough from its elements.

> kwajin vol gerbolfa tciba?

to tri balu bu sta tci dom, hifa bujin peno
dor.  fuke pitaym, junjini peno dor kay
ja dan dom.

sur stol sta tri diwali hu bedan pori*.
kincaynharjini traykom pori dan diwali ga.
bol "tro varm."  k traykom pori dan diwali
pi.  bol "tro povarm."  k traykom pori dan
diwali buga.  bol "genaw haw."

* -- nonce word for "porridge", I'm sure
you can come up with something better.

[P.S.: Apparently Google (or at least
AdWords (tm) thinks that tceqli is
Hungarian.  In the advert margin in gmail
I see several ads for cheap flights to Hungary
and "Angol-magyar fordítóprogram
a MorphoLogictól!"]

Jim Henry