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Re: [ceqli] Revising the alphabet!

On Jan 20, 2006, at 5:59 AM, Jim Henry wrote:

On 1/19/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
I hereby propose:

B as in Boy
C as in SHine
TC as in CHew
DJ as in Joe

Looks good.  I hope when you redo the phonology/
orthography web page you will do a table with
this vague pronunciation guide *in addition to*
IPA symbols; it would look a lot more professional.
Maybe in addition to the alphabetical-order guide,
have a phonetic chart showing the tceqli letters or
the corresponding IPA symbols in point of articulation/
manner of articulation order.

I'll look at pages that do that, and try to figure out how. How to do the html, I mean.

E as in bEt*

Was there supposed to be a footnote here?

Yes, to say that it should be pronounced very short, so as to minimize confusion with ey

Diphthongs formed with Y and W semivowels.

That's better.

What shall the stress rule be? Current rule is on the last full vowel (aeiou) before the last non-vowel, so we have pi-ra-MUN, BA-lu, sa- LI-na.

Two other possibilities are straight penultimate, a la Esperanto, or initial

I've always liked the initial stress of Finnish.  Esperanto's
stress rule works well for Esperanto's structure (stress often
falls on the last syllable of the head morpheme), but
I don't see how it would suit tceqli particularly well.
However, I would not mind if you kept the current stress
rule for the sake of stability.

With tceqli's structure (modifier-head compounds, and
no part of speech tag endings) final stress might make sense.
Volapu:k has final stress, however, & that has always
seemed to me un-euphonious.  OTOH French also
has typically final stress, and it's generally thought
to be euphonious enough.

What about stressing the *first* syllable of the *final*
morpheme in each word?  That might be too complicated,
though -- on second thought better suited to an engelang
than an auxlang.

I'm beginning to like the idea of initial stress. I expect tceqli will have very few morphemes of more than two syllables. And as for compounds, it comes naturally to me to keep the stress in the morphemes the same as they were when single.

Now, I tend to say zban-PA-mo, and in a compound like pamipamo, I'd tend to give the first syllable secondary stress, and the third primary. But I'd tend to say BAWM-gu instead of bawm-GU. But the latter should, by the rule, be the standard. Have to think more about that, but as for morphemes, I like initial stress best.

Rex May
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