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Re: [ceqli] Revising the alphabet!

On 1/19/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> I hereby propose:
> B as in Boy
> C as in SHine
> TC as in CHew
> DJ as in Joe

Looks good.  I hope when you redo the phonology/
orthography web page you will do a table with
this vague pronunciation guide *in addition to*
IPA symbols; it would look a lot more professional.
Maybe in addition to the alphabetical-order guide,
have a phonetic chart showing the tceqli letters or
the corresponding IPA symbols in point of articulation/
manner of articulation order.

> E as in bEt*

Was there supposed to be a footnote here?

> Diphthongs formed with Y and W semivowels.

That's better.

> What shall the stress rule be?  Current rule is on the last full vowel
> (aeiou) before the last non-vowel, so we have pi-ra-MUN, BA-lu, sa-LI-na.
> Two other possibilities are straight penultimate, a la Esperanto, or initial
> stress.

I've always liked the initial stress of Finnish.  Esperanto's
stress rule works well for Esperanto's structure (stress often
falls on the last syllable of the head morpheme), but
I don't see how it would suit tceqli particularly well.
However, I would not mind if you kept the current stress
rule for the sake of stability.

With tceqli's structure (modifier-head compounds, and
no part of speech tag endings) final stress might make sense.
Volapu:k has final stress, however, & that has always
seemed to me un-euphonious.  OTOH French also
has typically final stress, and it's generally thought
to be euphonious enough.

What about stressing the *first* syllable of the *final*
morpheme in each word?  That might be too complicated,
though -- on second thought better suited to an engelang
than an auxlang.

Jim Henry