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Re: [ceqli] Re: reversals

On 12/10/05, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@g...> wrote:

> How's this look so far?
> http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/gramintro4.html

Pretty good.  The formatting might could be made
clearer by italicizing the reversal pair words in
each sample sentence, e.g.:

<P><b>zi <i>ziau</i> to jini.</b> - You <i>help</i> the woman.
<br><b>zi <i>zuai</i> to jini.</b> - You <i>hinder</i> the woman.

...or underlining them, if you prefer; but underlined
words might look like hyperlinks.

>smoking in the house. kom pan, hau,

There's a line break or paragraph
break tag, <BR> or <P>, missing here.

Jim Henry
...Mind the gmail Reply-to: field