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Re: reversals

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@g...> wrote:
> On 12/8/05, Rex May <rmay@m...> wrote:
> >
> > On Dec 8, 2005, at 7:10 AM, Jim Henry wrote:
> > > Maybe these problems are evidence you should
> > > reconsider the wholen notion of reversing
> > > the faloba phonemes for oppositeness.
> > > It's nifty, but it seems it would make
> ....
> > > Or keep the reversal-pairs for a few of
> > > the most frequent words, but use an
> > > oppositeness affix for most others,
> > > and make it clear that reversal-oppositeness
> > >  is not a productive process
> > I quite agree.  I'm just in the process of looking at the vocabulary
> > as it is, and seeing if some more reversals are indeed possible and
> > desirable.   I think I'm going too far with fooling with 'ten,'
> > actually, it's just too handy a word.
> As far as I can tell you haven't really documented the
> reversal process (or the use of "po-") much on the Ceqli
> grammar pages yet.  When you get around to it,
> you might say something like this:
> "Some frequently occurring words for opposite qualities
> are related to each other by reversing the order of the
> faloba phonemes (leaving the cuaba consonants
> as they are) .........give examples..........
> This process is not productive, however; these
> pairs are made this way to give a mnemonic
> relationship to some of the most common opposite
> terms without adding an extra syllable.  The normal
> way to form an opposite is with the affix "po". .........
> .....more explanation and examples with po.......

How's this look so far?
> BTW -- this is from a while ago, but I don't recall
> seeing it mentioned in the group archives.
> Apologies if you've already seen it.
> http://blog.ravenblack.net/cgi-bin/comment.pl?stamp=1045202638

Thanks!  I'd seen it awhile back.  That's definitely Ur-Ceqli!