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I want to maximize Ceqli's ability to make antonyms by reversal.  For example, I'm dropping 
"pomo" (to help) and borrowing "zuai" (to hinder) from Mandarin, making possible the 
reversal "ziau" for help.

Now I'm wondering about "ten".   The opposite of have is lack, or the preposition 'without.'  
So I'm thinking of reserving 'ten' for 'to hold' and searching for a reversable morpheme that 
can serve those two meanings.  I could use "sin" for to lack, without, and reverse it to "sni" 
for "to have," but it seems unaesthetic.

So far, I haven't found anything likely in any natlangs.  Some possibilities:

gan (cambodian for "hold), reversal "gna"
san )french, reversal sna for "to have"