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Re: Sa and Hu

Speaking of 'por,' does this make sense?

cisa froma por kom - this cheese is for eating

go por dormho bua xir - I drink milk in order to go to sleep.

Do these usages of 'por' seem the same?

You could go ahead and say

cisa xir por dormho.  This milk is for going to sleep.

And I think a hu construction would be more comfy for English speakers:

go bua xir hu por dormho

But then, the 'por dormho' seems to refer to 'xir' instead of 'bua.'  That is "I drink milk 
which is for going to sleep."  Even if that's not why I'm drinking it.

So maybe in these cases ceqli has to be more mandarinish.

go por dormho sa bua xir.

OTOH, you could certainly say.

go bua xir, copor dormho.

I drink milk, and that is for going to sleep.

By george, I think I've got it!