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Sa and Hu

As we all know, there are two ways to handle modifiers:

to hau sa kanin - the good dog
to kanin hu hau - the dog that is good

Which I think do not differ at all in meaning, but are just alternative ways that can be chosen 
for clarity.

I want to introduce here the possiblity of besa, which, if ever needed, can be used to OPEN a 
sa-parenthesis.   It looks backwards, but as such bracketing will rarely be needed, it would 
be silly to make the end-parenthesis two syllables.  

And I've noticed that sa and hu actually have a lot more power than I originally contemplated:

go kom hu yi.   I eat to live.  I eat in order to live.  
Now, this one is potentially ambiguous.  It could mean "While iiving, I eat."  So the word 'por', 
meaning 'for, in order to' can be used.

go por yi sa kom.  Or:  go kom hu por yi.

All this makes sense so far?