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Re: Names

To summarize, I think we've passed the name problem.  I was mental-blocked by the fact 
that Loglan/Lojban requires special forms for names, i. e., final consonants.  (If anybody 
knows that that has changed in Lojban, let me know.)  So, Ceqli does not require those 
special forms.  Names, when required, can be signified by ti/beti, or by the suffix -zo for 

I was just thinking how many English names also have potential semantic meaning ? Bill, Joe,  
Frank, Jean, etc. ? and how little confusion results.  And that's even more true (I think) of 
French and Mandarin, for example.

I think it's solved.  Oh, there are some potential problems. Like, after "ti kraun sulki beti" is 
introduced, do you refer to him as k or s?  But that should iron itself out.  Now to move on to 
other problems....