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Re: [ceqli] Re: Christmas

On 8/9/05, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:

> I know that JCB decided that one o'clock was a name, for some reason, and I've often
> wondered if that makes any sense at all.  One thing I'm pretty sure of is that one o'clock,
> Monday, and January are _not_ names in any useful sense.

gjax-zym-byn uses two different ordinal suffixes
on numbers, one for relative ordinals (Nth period from here/now) 
and one for absolute (Nth within the calendar/clock).
So "next month" is 
   meqn'txu ciq-pa
and January is
   meqn'txu ciq-gla
> Another problem is that Canis Familiarus seems to be a name, but kanin doesn't.  Or am I
> just trying too hard to systematize something unsystematizable?

There might be good reason for treating the words for
animals and plants (and culture-specific foodstuffs, 
items of clothing, dances, musical styles......) as proper
names.  I think Vorlin had a few basic words for animals
and all others were indicated by the Latin name surrounded
(or maybe only preceded) by some foreign-name marking 

In gjax-zym-byn I've mostly been coming up with
root words for genera, sometimes families, rather than 
species (except for a few salient types, mostly
domestic animals like cat, dog, horse...).
Species can be indicated with some modifier 
morpheme compounded with or adjective applied to 
the genus name.

Jim Henry