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On 8/5/05, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote: > Okay, many thanks. I think I have the intro and chapter one fixed. How does it look? It looks better. But you don't need <p> tags within the <h3> tags as you have in http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/gramintro.html. And on the main page, you have a whole bunch of paragraph tags within a long <h3> tag, which I'm pretty sure is not correct (though it will display on IE and some other browsers, there's no predicting how such a nonstandard formatting will display on browsers you haven't tested it with). The list of chapters with links to each would be better formatted as a bullet list, like <UL> <LI><A HREF="alph.html">Alphabet & Phonology</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="gramintro.html"> CHAPTER ONE — To be, Adjective, Separating particle, Compounds,"The", Tense, Location</A></LI> ......... etc .......... </UL> If you want to apply a large text size to a such a long block of text in standard HTML, you'll need to either use <BIG> or <FONT> elements within each <LI> or <P> block, or else use a stylesheet and then use a <DIV> block with style tags. The advantage is that you can put any number and variety of other tags inside the <DIV> block and they will all be formatted with the same font face and size. Alternately, you can just use a single stylesheet command in the <HEAD> of the page to make the entire page slightly bigger than default: <style type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { font-size: larger } --> </style> Put that at the top, right after the </TITLE> and before </HEAD>. I notice that Internet Explorer will use a sans-serif font if a page has a stylesheet and no font specified, whereas it will use a serif font if the page has no stylesheet and no FONT tags. -- Jim Henry http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry/review/log.htm