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Re: More comments on the glossary

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@g...> wrote:
> I just noticed that the letter names/pronouns aren't 
> in the glossary at all - at least, not the several I checked for.
> >kai and Esperanto 
> Shouldn't the etymology be Greek?

Yes.  I changed it to Esperanto _and_ Greek, because I actually swiped it from 
la Majstro.
> >kalo call Greek 
> Should probably be marked as a verb, and defined more extensively.

Yes, I made it
call (summon) v.
> >jonmoka birth  compound 
> This is birth from the mother's perspective.
> For one to speak about his own birth,
> he would need to talk about "bejonmoka", right?

Hm.  In context, I'm wondering. 

To jini sa jonmoka pa peindon.
The woman's giving birth was painful.

To bin sa bejonmoka pa jiq b.
The baby's being born surprised him (the baby).

Right.  I'm inclined to think that the English style of using the noun form will be 
relatively rare, and consequently the above sentence would be more Ceqli in 
spirit this way:

To jini pa peinbedon ke jonmo.
The woman was hurt by giving birth,   Giving birth was painful to the woman.
To bin bejiq ke bejonmo.  
The baby was surprised be being born, Being born surprised the baby.
> I'm not sure why you have the nonproductive
> -i, -o suffixes (in jini, jino etc.) when 
> xijin, jojin, xizin, jozin, etc. would be just as terse
> (in syllables, anyway, though one letter longer), 
> and those morphemes are productive so
> any speaker can use them wherever it makes
> sense, without having to check the dictionary.

This was the result of a lot of thinking.  I had only the xi and jo prefixes at first, 
but I frankly found them unaesthetic, and pretty confusing in compound words.
pamopamofreri = Paternal granfather's sister, but
seems really ugly and confusing.

So I decided to make the jo and xi always an option, of course, but to use the 
'submorphemes' -i and -o for frequently-used words, especially for human 
beings. And a few common animals, where it's phonetically possible - felini, 
kanino, buli, etc.
> >jiq     surprise 
> Is this "surprising thing" or "surprise-event"
> or "emotion or feeling of surprise"?  (One-word
> glosses are trouble.)

Hey, jiq again.  I meant it as a verb, with jiqka as the noun form.
> >jeyudey Christmas 
> No entry for Easter, I notice, which has roughly 
> equal claim to be called "jeiudei".  Maybe:
> jeiujonmadei  Christmas 
> jeiujihodei    Easter

Good point.  BTW, I'm thinking of changing ji to yi, because it's from Russian 
> >jaqwa desert 
> Depart treacherously, or waterless land?

The latter:)  I like the depart treacherously metaphor!  Now I need to find a word 
for treachery
> >jajeq race 
> Needs a clarifying note like "(speed-competition)".

Yes.  Got it.
> >duelcam living room n. 
> As a calque of an English idiom this doesn't 
> really make sense in ceqli.

That's certainly true.  I suppose it should just be 'salon', unless another possible 

> >daua drug n. 
> >farma pharmaceutical v., n.

Yes.  Having two was a mistake. and 'farma' is probably the best.
> You need to gloss each of these at greater length
> to give an idea of the difference between them 
> in ceqli.  In English the terms have a great deal 
> of overlap so these one-word glosses don't help much.
> In fact I would say that in an IAL you probably 
> don't need two separate roots for these concepts;
> maybe "farma" + a morpheme similar to Esperanto
> "-acx-" for "drugs the speaker disapproves of"
> (guessing that is what "daua" might mean)
> or "yurbiafarma" for "illegal drug".

I like that last.  And I'm going with your suggestion and using "jur" instead of 
"yur," btw.

And, also, I think I'll do away with 'bon' and use 'hau.'  Thus I'd have 'hua' for 
'bad', and perhaps then 'huafarma' for drug in the bad sense.
> -- 
> Jim Henry
> http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry/review/log.htm