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Re: [ceqli] A few lexicographical and semantic comments

on 7/7/05 3:32 AM, Jim Henry at jimhenry1973@hidden.email wrote:

> There seem to be a lot of words in the CeqEng.htm glossary
> where the y & w haven't been changed to i and u yet.

Yes.  I'm working on it.
>> sewa rent v. 
> Is this "to rent something from someone" or "to rent something to someone"?
Good question.   I'm curious as to what the usage is in other languages.
In English it's ambiguous.  Maybe it should be a compound.   "zusel" - to
sell the use of something.   Go zusel camgu ko zi.   Then make a compound
with "buy".   Go zukini camgu.

And in constructions like this, is using ko for to reasonable?  I'm thinking
of resurrecting "de" for a specific meaning of "from," tho I'm admittedly
ver vague about what I want to do in that regard.

>> selu corn 
> Should probably be glossed as "maize, American corn" for
> transatlantic clarity.

>> bai according to v.
> How does that work as a verb?  Example sentence?
> It sounds like a preposition, like Esperanto "laux",
> French "selon".
I believe you're right.  I more or less call things verbs when they can be
regarded as verbs in the Chinese sense.   But is there a verbal meaning for
"bai"?   Maybe "to dau bai to fiume" - the path goes along the river.

>> bani money n. 
> Is this the abstract stuff (numbers in a bank's computer
> or a person's checkbook) or the physical stuff (cash in one's
> pocket)?   Or both?  Do you want to refer to both by the same word?
> Do you want to make it convenient to distinguish them?

Now we're into economics!   You have money, currency (both backed and
fiat!).   I think I want a broad meaning with bani, and maybe compounds to
make those differences.
>> beberfei portable v.
>> bebwafei potable v.
> The definitions sound like adjectives - maybe they
> should be glossed as "be portable", "be potable".
> Or not.

I didn't do that, because of the alphabetization problem.  Maybe I just need
an explanation at the beginning that Ceqli adjectives are all verbs in
nature. Or gloss them "portable (be)", etc.
> -- 

Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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