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on 7/7/05 3:32 AM, Jim Henry at jimhenry1973@hidden.email wrote: > There seem to be a lot of words in the CeqEng.htm glossary > where the y & w haven't been changed to i and u yet. Yes. I'm working on it. > >> sewa rent v. > > Is this "to rent something from someone" or "to rent something to someone"? > Good question. I'm curious as to what the usage is in other languages. In English it's ambiguous. Maybe it should be a compound. "zusel" - to sell the use of something. Go zusel camgu ko zi. Then make a compound with "buy". Go zukini camgu. And in constructions like this, is using ko for to reasonable? I'm thinking of resurrecting "de" for a specific meaning of "from," tho I'm admittedly ver vague about what I want to do in that regard. >> selu corn > > Should probably be glossed as "maize, American corn" for > transatlantic clarity. true > >> bai according to v. > > How does that work as a verb? Example sentence? > It sounds like a preposition, like Esperanto "laux", > French "selon". > I believe you're right. I more or less call things verbs when they can be regarded as verbs in the Chinese sense. But is there a verbal meaning for "bai"? Maybe "to dau bai to fiume" - the path goes along the river. >> bani money n. > > Is this the abstract stuff (numbers in a bank's computer > or a person's checkbook) or the physical stuff (cash in one's > pocket)? Or both? Do you want to refer to both by the same word? > Do you want to make it convenient to distinguish them? Now we're into economics! You have money, currency (both backed and fiat!). I think I want a broad meaning with bani, and maybe compounds to make those differences. > >> beberfei portable v. >> bebwafei potable v. > > The definitions sound like adjectives - maybe they > should be glossed as "be portable", "be potable". > Or not. I didn't do that, because of the alphabetization problem. Maybe I just need an explanation at the beginning that Ceqli adjectives are all verbs in nature. Or gloss them "portable (be)", etc. > -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Visit my website at: http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ Great leadership training for boys at: http://afewgoodkids.com Strange language from an alternate universe at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Texperanto.html