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Re: [ceqli] hot and cold

On 6/29/05, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> I'm probably obsessing over getting this right, but here are some reversal
> pairs for hot and cold that I've come up with
> frua (frwah) cold from French, then faur for hot
> tori, hot from English torrid, then tiro for cold
> krio, cold from Greek, then koir for hot
> samui, cold from Japanese, then siuma

tori/tiro and samui/siuma would probably be easiest to pronounce.

> Basically, I'd like them to be one-syllable, but clearly distinct as
> opposites.

The two one-syllable versions are probably harder for a lot
of people to pronounce.  I remember French sequences
as in "froid", reproduced in your "frua", as causing a fair
amount of trouble for me and my fellow students when I was 
studying French in college -- with the initial cluster having
fricative, liquid and
a semivowel: that's hard (at first, anyway) for people whose native languages
have a lot of other consonant clusters, never mind people whose native
languages have no consonant clusters at all.

Jim Henry