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names again

An exchange with Larry Sulky (Kraunse Sulkise) on alt.language. artificial:

> Rex, I'm going to be updating my Konya page soon, but the name rules
> aren' t changing. Check the current page at
> http://ca.geocities.com/HandyDad/konya/konya-main.html, items 34, 68,
> and 120-122. There might be some ideas rumbling around in there.
> Meanwhile, forgive me if I spot ideas in your post here and swipe them
> :-) . --Larry

Very interesting stuff.  I could just use your ya (/Za/ in current Ceqli)!
But if it's a suffix, which I think (and evidently you think) is the best
way to go, it needs to be a fricative so as to fit after lmnqraeiou.  And
since 'se' is now freed up, it seems to be the best choice.  Trouble with
'ti' is that it doesn't allow for names to become parts of compounds.

Ti fordu, but Ti fordutomo, then, would still be a name, and 'a Ford' isn't
really a proper name at all as I see it.  Or it shouldn't be.

japanse means 'Japan' in its widest sense, country, people, language,
customs, etc., and I guess if you say 'go duel japanse' it probably means
the country, go japanse sa pauja, means I walk in a japanese fashion, go bol
japanse means I speak Japanese, etc. and then we have compound words so as
to be clearer.   japansehaim, japansebol, etc.

Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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