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Re: [ceqli] Re: Rework

on 5/30/05 10:06 AM, Jim Henry at jimhenry1973@hidden.email wrote:

> On 5/30/05, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
>> Oh, I did kick this alphabet rework around in my head quite a bit.
>> Having standard diphthongs does solve the problem of
>> too-similar pairs like bien and byen.  It also released y and w up
>> for other uses. 
> The advantage of having distinct letters for the semivowels
> is that the learner doesn't have to memorize the set of
> diphthongs up front.  With your new system,
> the learner has to memorize the set of 11 vowel letter pairs that
> are to be pronounced as diphthongs before he can pronounce
> any word with two or more vowel letters in sequence.

Yes.  That's why I used y and w for as long as I did, but I've decided that
the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

OTOH, it's not really that complicated, is it?  The rule is that i and u
always become semivowels when juxtaposed with another vowel, and the only
other thing that has to be stated explicitly is that ui makes WE and iu
makes YOU - not OOEY or EEW.

> You also need to be explicit about how to parse sequences of three
> or more vowels.  For instance,
> caia
> could be pronounced /'tSaj.a/ or /'tSa.ja/,
> as far as I can tell (forgive me if I overlooked the part
> where you said how to parse these).

I didn't.  But I could have: And given three vowels with a semivowel in the
middle, the semivowel always goes with the following vowel.  Does that cover
> You said at some point that ceqli does not use
> capital letters.  I think you should fix the web pages
> to reinforce that by not using capital letters in ceqli
> words (except maybe  to indicate stress - but I would
> prefer to use a preceding ' apostrophe for that).
Quite right.   My brain keeps going back to English rules and things get
typed that way.  Actually, I suppose I should say that Ceqli should appear
in either all lower case or all caps.

> In the alphabet page your capitalization is fairly
> inconsistent. Sometimes you capitalize the first letter,
> sometimes the stressed syllable, sometimes the entire word.
> "HEQOG" is probably a typo for "heqoq".

Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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