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Re: [ceqli] Consonants

on 5/20/05 10:37 AM, Jim Henry at jimhenry1973@hidden.email wrote:

> On 5/19/05, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
>> Okay, I think I've got it.  What I've been calling consonants will be cwaba
>> (leaders) and non-consonants will be called faloba (followers).  They are
>> therefore divorced from any relation to phonetic classification.   So:
>> kul ceqli vor dwa beza slihan cwaba hu befalo slihan faloba.
>> All Ceqli words must be started by at least one leader followed by at least
>> one follower.
> ...With further notes, I hope, on what types
> of phoneme the "cwaba" and "faloba" classes
> consist of.

Certainly, but what you said before led me to realize that I was misusing
terms by conflating the phonemic description of sounds with the functional
application of them.

Indeed, I once considered playing with a Ceqlioid word-shape language
wherein roots could begin with cwaba clusters of talls ? lower case letters
that are two spaces high, so to speak, like bdfhklt, leaving the others to
act like faloba.  Or maybe include the "hangers" like g, y, etc.  Obviously,
there would be no phonemic logic to the dichotomy at all, just a
typographical one.
>> BTW, is "at least one" in this context logically equivalent to "one or
>> more"?  I think it must be, but I'm not sure.
> Yes.

Good.  Thanks.


Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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