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Re: [ceqli] Consonants

On 5/19/05, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> Okay, I think I've got it.  What I've been calling consonants will be cwaba
> (leaders) and non-consonants will be called faloba (followers).  They are
> therefore divorced from any relation to phonetic classification.   So:
> kul ceqli vor dwa beza slihan cwaba hu befalo slihan faloba.
> All Ceqli words must be started by at least one leader followed by at least
> one follower.

...With further notes, I hope, on what types 
of phoneme the "cwaba" and "faloba" classes
consist of.

> BTW, is "at least one" in this context logically equivalent to "one or
> more"?  I think it must be, but I'm not sure.


Jim Henry