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I think we're all agreed that the letters as pronouns is a great idea. We have 13 total: B as in Boy C as in SHoe D as in DuD F as in FluFF G as in Good H as in Hat J as in pleaSure, French Je K as in KinK P as in PiP S as in So T as in ToT V as in Victory Z as in Zoo Breaking them down phonetically, we have p b t d k g f v s z c j (this is with the 25-letter alphabet, reserving x as the digraph-maker) So, for maximum reduncancy, I go thru this way, as an experiment First, let's say that the rule is that all these names will be in the form CVV. Okay? I'm open to better ideas. Should they all be two syllables? Say pai, bia, tau, dua, kao, goa... Or one-syllable? pay, bya, tey, dye, kaw, gwa... Or maybe a pattern like CVq paq, beq, tiq, doq, kuq. What we need is a redundant, regular way of doing this. With 13 variations. We could, for mnemonic purposes, just dip into vocabulary items from various languages that are NOT otherwise Ceqli words pay (greek letter) boy taw (greek) dyu (e dew) kway (bridge over the river) gwa (guaspi) fyu (e few) via (latin) [ I know this is a two-syllable, but we're running out of diphthongs] sui (latin sui generis) zoi (name zoe) cwey Mandarin water jwa (joi de vivre) heo (Ed McMahon HE-o!) Reactions to any of this? Other suggestions? Anybody like the Lojban schwa system? buh, cuh, duh?