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I haven't really thought too hard about stress in Ceqli. Since Mandarin doesn't seem to worry about it, and given the extreme analytic nature of Ceqli, I've more or less brushed it aside. Unlike Mandarin, tho, Ceqli has a lot of polysyllabic roots, and I think the latest rule is penultimate stress there. To janela. to jaNEla. No problem so far. And in a compound I figure that we do NOT move that stress. To janelaseldom. to jaNElaseldom. Only really bothersome time is with the be- prefix, which logically you don't want to stress, but given that it often produces a two-syllable compound, the basic penultimate rule makes me, at least, want to pronouce bedan BEdan phonetically, but logically, beDAN. Am I making too much of this? I've been distracted lately by an Esperanto reform project, which has a specific purpose, but when that's done, I'm hoping to restart Ceqli and start really baselining the thing. I'm still agonizing over the letter-anaphora problem... That's for another post.