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Further musing.... I may have optimized this at buy and bew, at least as far as anaphora are concerned. As for the -tsi series, we could probably let that be the military style alphabet. And for that we'd need he-words. HE defined as a null-syllable that makes the following word phonologically Ceqli, and would probably be mainly names A ? HE-ARLENTSI B ? BALUTSI C ?CEQLITSI D ? DOMTSI E ? HE-ELMERTSI F ? FAMLITSI G ? GERMANTSI H ? HANATSI I ? HE-IRANTSI J ? JAMUNITSI K ? KAMELTSI L ? HE-LILOTSI M ? HE-MUMONTSI N ? HE-NEROTSI O ? HE-OMARTSI P ? POMOTSI Q ? HE-QAYTSI R ? HE-ROMATSI S ? SLONTSI T ? TELITSI U ? HE-URANUTSI V ? VALORTSI W ? HE-WILYAMTSI X ? XAWTSI Y ? HE-YURITSI Z ? ZORITSI Whew. Anybody with better suggestions is welcome. I think all these word need to begin with the letter in question, and be phonologically Ceqli, i. e. nCnV