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Jilu Juli

My wife says jilu and juli sound too much alike.  Suppose that, for 'Far' we
just borrow Loglan 'vu', and for near 'klo', from English 'close'?

So, to modify what I did before.

Da dorm ci.   He sleeps here.
Da dorm klo ci.  He sleeps near here.
Da dorm vu ci.  He sleeps far from here.
And the 'ci' can be dropped in either case, because it's the default, but
'ca' and 'cu' can't be:

Da dorm klo ca.  He sleeps near there by you.
Da dorm vu cu.  He sleeps far from over there.

If nobody has any objections, I'll make the change.


Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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