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Loglan has a nice approach to the subjunctive: http://www.loglan.org/Articles/mia-subjunctives.html It seems to me that we need a two-tier approach for ceqli, however. If he were alive, he'd watch this tv show. If he is alive, he's watching this tv show. So, we need a modifier that means: "In the counterfactual world that" and another that means "In the possible world that." (I know that the second one trespasses on the meaning of "vabu," but that's a conjunction, not a modifier, and it will be interesting to see which is used more or if a subtle difference in meaning or emphasis arises). For the first, I propose "bwi" from the russian: Bwi ke da ji, da xaw cide telikel. In the counterfactual world that he is alive, he is watching this tv show. And the second, "ha" from the Hungarian: Ha ke da ji, do xaw cide telikel. If he's alive, he's watching this tv show. Reactions? -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/book-GesundheitDummy.htm