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Re: [ceqli] Re: babel

on 5/2/04 6:49 PM, Rex May - Baloo at rmay@hidden.email wrote:

>> Verse 2 And it was when [they] travelled from Qedem/the east, [they]
>> found a plain in the land [of] Shin`ar and [they] dwelt there.
>> Hi do ze jin pa voy from to duq bedo, juy jaw han pyaqter hu sta ti
>> xaynarhaym kay dwelho cu.
>> 2.1: Why end the present tense with "bedo", just after "duq"?
> Here I'm using "do" as a free modifier, meaning 'when.'  I decided to
> 'close' it with "bedo" to make it clearer, which, now that I think of it, is
> a departure for the usual usage of "be."  But I think it works.

Boy, I couldn't have gotten that more wrong if I tried.  "Do" isn't supposed
to work that way.  When it means 'when', it's followed by a "ke" phrase.  It
should have read:

Hi doke [or do ke] ze jin pa voy from to duq [optional "beke" here], juy jaw
han pyaqter hu sta ti
xinarhaym kay dwelho cu.

Go zanen.


Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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