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Re: [ceqli] Re: kay

on 3/1/04 10:21 PM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote:

> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
>> on 3/1/04 5:27 PM, HandyDad at lsulky@r... wrote:
>>> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
> --SNIP--
>> Go zu krayon de dra hwar.  or, making a compound word:
>> Go krayonzu de dra hwar.   or
>> Go bede krayonzu de dra hwar.
>> [Good Godfrey!  Have we reinvented the instrumental case?]
> LOL. Once we hit that in Russian class, I thought "I used to trust
> these people, but not anymore."
>> And I'm wondering if ceqli will tend toward Eskimo-style compound
> words:
>> Go krayonzudra hwar.  or just
>> Go krayondra hwar.
> I sure hope not.

And unlikely, except in the case, I expect, of very useful specific
constructions of that type.
>> So what is 'vo' for?  For showing that the vo clause modifies the
> main verb
>> _whereever it appears_!
>> Vo zu krayon, go dra hwar.
>> Go vo zu krayon, dra hwar,
>> Go dra hwar, vo zu krayon.
> Hurray! That's a good use of it. Kind of like being able to mark the
> direct object or the subject even if it occurs out of place, n'est-ce
> pas?
> An interesting characteristic of Ceqli is that it provides several
> ways to say things. I think this will be a strength and will lend
> itself to learning by people of various linguistic backgrounds.

Yes, indeed.   I'm actually kind of attracted by the form

Go krayonzu de dra hwar.
Go cwaqdan de pa dorm.

But somebody else might prefer the others.  But they all work, and may end
up with subtle differences in meaning.
>> Aside:  I didn't include nouns in the adjective/verb/preposition
> class, as
>> Loglan did, because it seemed a waste to have one whole category
> that just
>> meant.   "is a man".   I wanted nouns to serve as verbs in the
>> Mandarin/English fashion.
> Isn't that what Loglan does? I think I'm missing your point. However,
> your intention below...

Yes.   In Loglan, da mrenu means he is a man.   In ceqli, the equivalent, I
hope, will have a meaning like 'to function as a man would' in

Da pa jin to gagun.  He manned the gun.
>> Zi pa gun to kanin.   You gunned (shot) the rabbit.
>> To corjin pa gi fiq to ze koin.  The thief was fingering the coins.
> ...I wholeheartedly agree with! I suspect it is this ability that
> makes bad simple spoken English so easy for learners. (Typo:
> it's "koyn".) (Also, when I read short words like "ze" my English
> head schwa-izes the "e" every time.)

Yes.  Some of the secondary verbal meanings of nouns will be arbitrary, but
why not?  Opens up lots of new possibilities for vocabulary.
Actually, a stressed schwa allophone might be okay, or at least one that is
not conspicuously UNstressed.  I mean:

To ze hon.   Equal stress on each.   Just like in, say, to han hon.


To zbano.   At worst, would be TO zuh-BAN-o.   I think.


Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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