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I can't stop thinking about this. You know, we're assuming that the connectives have to be some kind of series that begins with the same letter. Not so. It might actually be better to have more redundancy, without losing terseness. After all, I objected early on to the lack of redundancy in Esperanto pronouns. Let's speculate e kay (esperanto) a va (persian 'and') o fi (English backwards) u seya (Spanish) so: noa xeva anoi vaxe and then "ha" can correspond to Loglan 'i', but not be required. And the Loglanistas among us can complete the series. Someone said that normal English 'or' (not both) is some kind of negative version of a connective. Ah, here it is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ceqli/message/1037 Rob Speer said it's 'onoi', hence, "fixe" I like these. They sound different from each other, and are for the most part not a priori. Easier to learn. Kay is easy for us Esp guys. Va we can remember as the -other- 'and', the Persian one, that includes 'or', and its vowel reminds us of the Loglan equivalent. Fi no problem for anglophones, and 'seya,' well, if you know any Spanish it's a subjunctive form of 'be' which is part of their expression for 'whether or not'. And it's the longest, so handy for the least-used connective. I'm inclined to go with this set. -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/book-GesundheitDummy.htm